Thursday, January 22, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

So, I just thought I'd share with you all exactly why I will die at the ripe old age of 30. I was in San Bernardino for one of my last interviews before matching in February on Tuesday. I had some mini powdered donuts for breakfast on the way there. No harm done, right. Then I had what I thought was a great interview. Then, I was hungry and looking to start killing some of the 6 hours that remained before my tour of another facility later on that day. So I hit up a Jack in the Box for some brunch: chicken sandwich and an eggroll (yes, this is typical breakfast fare for me).  I killed some time at a Big Lots, wandering around and buying a shoe rack, headphones, beef jerky, jumper cables, the usual. Then I found a AAA office and picked up some free maps of the area. Still about 2 hours to I hit up a different Jack in the Box for a little linner: four chicken strips, fries, and two cokes. I had the tour (boring, yet somewhat informative), drank half a bottle of water, and drove home. There I made myself some chicken quesadillas and settled down to watch "A Man Apart" (Vin Deisel singlehandedly takes down a drug cartel) (excellent man movie for a night when Kira was out with a friend, and definitely believable). So, if anyone wonders where I have disappeared to at 30, I'm probably unconscious on the floor of a Jack in the Box somewhere in San Bernardino where there is not much to do unless you like discount store shopping and eating fast food.


Heidi said...

Holy cow.


That's a crazy amount of junk food!

discomommy said...

Seriously...I am not one of your "reasons to be a stalker"? Where's the love?

SingingShrink said...

consider yourself added. :)

SingingShrink said...

and, of course, stalked