Thursday, August 14, 2008

Well, it's finally happened...

I have caved in to the peer pressure of my FCC peeps (K. & H.) and created my very own blog. An interesting concept, blogging. Basically an online journal, but what to write? journal for the world to know our secrets? Why not (within reason of course). One can find out interesting things in this blogosphere. I look forward to giving and receiving with whomever traipses across my little piece of the world and cares enough to glance at my words. Please respond if you feel like it. It's always nice to know people have been to your corner of the woods.


SingingShrink said...
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Heidi said...

Welcome to the blogosphere Robbie! You're going to love it!

You are now on my blogroll. See how easy that was?

Kristi said... I can stalk you as you have stalked me. Welcome my friend. Welcome.